Java Start Level
- Lesson 1: The History of Java
- Lesson 2: Where is Java used?
- Lesson 3: What are the Java editions?
- Lesson 4: Why is Java so popular?
- Lesson 5: Software configuration
- Lesson 6: Installation and Running of Eclipse IDE
- Lesson 7: Variable types in Java. Creation of variables
- Lesson 8: How to assign a value to a variable in Java
- Lesson 9: How to leave comments in your code?
- Lesson 10: How to display messages in the console?
- Lesson 11: Basic operations with variables in Java
- Lesson 12: String Concatenation in Java
- Lesson 13: What is Java Class Library?
- Lesson14: Work with scanner in Java (input and output)
- Lesson 15: How To Declare a Constant in Java
- Lesson 16: The if-then and if-then-else Statements in Java. The switch Statement
- Lesson 17: What are loops in Java? And what are the types of loops?
- Lesson 18: Exercises for the "For" Loop
- Lesson 19: Fibonacci Series in Java
- Lesson 20: Tasks for the "While" Loop
- Lesson 21: Random number generation in Java
- Lesson 22: Nested Loops in Java (With an Example)
- Lesson 23: Rounding of Numbers in Java
- Lesson 24: How To Find the Largest and Smallest Value in Java
- Lesson 25: length() in Java
- Lesson 26: concat() in Java
- Lesson 27: The Java String charAt() Method
- Lesson 28: The Java String substring() Method
- Lesson 29: Java String trim() Method
- Lesson 30: For-Each Loop in Java
- Lesson 31: Java Arrays
- Lesson 32: Two-Dimensional Arrays in Java
- Lesson 33: How To Calculate the Average of an Array in Java
- Lesson 34: How To Raise a Number To the Second Power in Java
- Lesson 35: How To Raise a Number To a Power in Java
- Lesson 36: What is an ArrayList in Java?