The Java String charAt() Method


This is one of the articles from our Java Tutorial for Beginners.

The Java String charAt() Method

charAt(int index) - It returns you the character that corresponds to a specific index number. Keep in mind that index numbers start from zero.


It will make more sense in an example.


If you run this code on your computer, you'll see the following in the console:

The character with index number 0 is: I

The character with index number 5 is: e

The character with index number 9 is: v



We assigned the value of index number 0 to the char variable. The character with index number 0 in the variable "sentence" is "I."

We assigned the value of index number 5 to the char variable. The character with index number 5 in the variable "sentence" is "e."

We assigned the value of index number 9 to the char variable. The character with index number 9 in the variable "sentence" is "v."

You can find more articles in our Java Tutorial for Beginners. 


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